Shellos - Pokémon #422

422 - Shellos
422 - Shellos

Shellos - Generation 4 Pokemon at number 422 in Pokedex. It lives in the Sinnoh region and is of the aquatic type. After eating 50 candies, Shellos evolves into Pokemon Gastrodon.

Type and weaknesses

The type table shows whether a Pokemon belongs to a particular variety, as well as the percentage of damage from incoming attacks:

WeaknessesDamage, %
ResistancesDamage, %

Where to get

How to find and catch Pokemon Shellos?

You can meet the Pokemon Shellos near any body of water - the banks of ponds, rivers, seas, near swamps. In the city it spawns near fountains, swimming pools, and water parks.

Pokemon Shellos appears very often on the game map and getting it will not be much of a problem. Has also been seen in raids and in field, temporary or special research.

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Post author: Pasha Klyuev

Founder and permanent presenter of the Pokemon-GO.Name website since November 2018 - A dedicated fan of the game.