How to download Pokemon GO on Android or Ios

Download Pokemon GO APK for Android and Ios
Pokemon GO on your phone

Many players are interested in how to download Pokemon GO online on Android or Ios devices in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and other CIS countries. In addition, in many countries the game has not yet been officially released, and it is not possible to download it through the Play Market or App Store. Therefore, on the site Pokemon-GO.Name you can always download the game Pokemon GO for Android or iPhone for free.

How to download Pokémon GO on Android and iOS

If you have Android, you just need to download the installation APK file and allow the installation of applications from unverified sources in the smartphone settings. But be careful: the huge popularity of the game has led to the spread of virus-infected installation files on the Internet. On our site you can always download the game without viruses and for free. APK files presented in the corresponding section are necessarily checked by antivirus programs. Download Pokémon and play with pleasure.

Also, it is possible to install Pokémon from the Play Market:

Video of downloading Pokémon from Play Market to your Android phone.

Video review from 2020-05-07

If you have iOS, you will need to create a separate Apple ID account to download Pokémon GO to iOS. It will need to be registered in the USA, Australia or New Zealand. After that, you need to log out of the current account, go to the system settings and connect under a new profile. Then the game can be downloaded and installed directly from the App Store.

Excursion to Pokémon

The main event of the Internet a few years ago was, of course, the release of the new game Pokemon GO. This game is from the category of augmented reality.

In just two weeks of existence, Pokemon GO has become more popular than Twitter and Facebook. It has surpassed even the most eternal Internet requests. This is the first app in the world to do this. Even the game World of Tanks turned out to be beyond the power of this.

It is not surprising that downloading and playing Pokemon GO rushed all over the world. At first, even the servers could not withstand the loads.

It’s easy to play - on the screen of your smartphone you find a virtual world with Pokemon that are tied to the real one. They hide everywhere, in parks, on roads, in museums, anywhere. These are the ones we need to catch.

Your main task is to simply catch a variety of Pokemon using special game balls. Rare and legendary species of them can easily escape from you, and to successfully capture them, it is worth increasing your level in the game.

The goals of all trainers are different: someone collects Pokémon; someone is fighting other players in PvP; fights legendary Pokémon in raids; completes quests and pumps his Pokémon pets to resist the forces of evil.

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