Search Pokémon in Pokémon GO - Search Bar

Search Pokémon in Pokémon GO - Search Bar
Pokemon go search bar

In the game Pokémon GO, the search for Pokémon in the bag is very convenient and fast. The Search Bar tool can be extremely useful, especially if you have a lot of different Pokémon in your inventory. In addition, they can be found in different corners of the bag. And this is where search words for internal searches come to the rescue.

Some search terms speak for themselves. But the list of useful search functions in Pokémon GO will not be superfluous. In addition, many of them may even be unknown to most players. Take a look at the selection of commands and maybe something will be interesting here.

Search for Pokemon – Pokemon GO Search Bar

  • pokemon name - displays all Pokemon with a specific name (for example, Pikachu);
  • nickname - shows Pokemon that are renamed and have a certain word in their names (for example, Gross);
  • alola - get a list of everyone Alola Pokemon;
  • costume — list of Pokemon in clothes;
  • defender - everything tower defenders Pokemon GO;
  • eggsonly - only Baby pokemons;
  • evolve - all the Pokemon you can evolve;
  • hatched - a list of Pokemon that were hatched with eggs pokemon go;
  • item — Pokemon that require special subject;
  • legendary - will show everyone legendary animals;
  • lucky — only Pokemon polishes;
  • mythical - everything mythical Pokemon (for example, Deoxis or Mew);
  • shiny - displays a list of all shine pokemon;
  • shadow - Shadow Pokemon (command from EdibleSock);
  • purified - purified animals (commands from EdibleSock);
  • traded — Pokemon that exchanged;
  • type - finds everyone Pokémon of a certain type (for example, dark or ice);
  • cp - searches for Pokemon that have a given CP value (for example, cp38);
  • hp - finds Pokemon that have a given HP value (for example, hp108);
  • pokedex number - find a Pokemon with a given number with Pokedex (for example, by writing 357, we will see Tropius);
  • 0* — IV range from 0 to 48,9%;
  • 1* — IV parameters from 51,1 to 64,4%;
  • 2* - IV from 66,7 to 80%;
  • 3* - IV characteristics from 82,2 to 100%;
  • 4* - perfect IV at 100%;
  • tradeevolve - Pokemon for which the function is available Trade evolution;
  • age — to filter by date of catch or hatching pokemon;
  • year - to filter by year in which Pokemon were caught or hatched;
  • evolvenew - searches for all Pokemon that can be evolved into a new form that is not currently registered in the trainer's Pokedex;
  • ! (exclamation mark) - displays the opposite of any other command (directive from Kostya);
  • — (minus) — search for values ​​greater or less than a certain numerical parameter (minus before a number — the value is less than or equal to, and a minus after the number — greater than or equal to) (Yurok info);
  • evolvemega - Pokemon that can mega evolve.

According to Anton, all these commands can also be combined (for example, 3 * & steel & evolve), making the search more flexible.

In addition, all of this is presented in a handy visual infographics.

Search Bar in Pokemon GO
Commands for finding Pokémon by bag

Perhaps this table will help you find in the store all the Pokémon that trainers need at the moment. But all these commands are hard to remember. Therefore, save the necessary queries for the Pokemon GO Search Bar so that they are always at hand. This will help a lot when you need to quickly find a Pokemon, or a group of Pokemon, to participate in different game activities.

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Post author: Pasha Klyuev

Founder and permanent presenter of the Pokemon-GO.Name website since November 2018 - A dedicated fan of the game.